Microsoft Dynamics 365 Upgrade


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Upgrade

In the rapidly changing world of business, it is crucial that enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are not only effective, but also flexible and adaptable to rapid change. Moving from legacy ERP systems to a modern solution like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365FO) is the foundation for future, intelligent business management.

Our approach to Upgrade:

1. Analysis and Planning
Our process begins with a detailed analysis of your existing ERP system, identifying key areas for improvement, and developing a personalized transition plan.

2. Personalization and Integration
We personalize the D365FO to perfectly match the specific requirements of your business, while integrating with existing systems and applications.

3. Data migration
Secure and accurate data migration from your existing ERP system to D365FO, maintaining operational integrity and continuity and using the latest ETL tools.

4. Training & Support
We offer complex user training and ongoing technical support to ensure a smooth and effective use of your new system.

5. Continuous Optimalization
Our commitment doesn’t end with implementation. We offer continuous support and system optimalization so that your company could use it’s full potential.


  • D365FO leverages advanced analytics and AI capabilities to deliver insights to help you make precise and fast decisions.
  • D365FO offer unparalleled flexibility and scalability. It allows you to tailor functionality to meet the current and future needs of your business.
  • The system provides global support and compliance with local regulations, which is crucial for internationally operating enterprises.
  • Process automation and integrated workflows enable a significant increase in operational efficiency.